Garoudis Michalis

Born in 1940 at Didimotiho
1948 – 1986, Lives in Hungary and in Bulgaria
1955 – 1960, Graduates from Sofia’s Art School
1960 –1965, Studies at the academy of arts “Nikolay Pavlovich” in Sofia with Prof. Ilia Petrov.
1986 – Today, Resides and creates in Thessaloniki. Greece
1965,1971,1978 Sofia
1971 Paris
1979 Blagoevgrad
1980, 1982, 1984 Thessaloniki,Gallery “Panselinos
1986,1993 Aleksandroupoli, Gallery “Micro Cafe”
1987 Athens, Gallery “Kreonidis”
1988, 1991 Thessaloniki, Gallery”Artforum”’
1989, 1991 AthensGallery “Ersis”
1990 – 1991 Luxemburg, Gallery “88”
1992 Vienna, Gallery ”Lotos”
1993 Athens, Gallery “Ersis”
1994 Vienna, Gallery “Lotos”
1995, 2000, 2005 Thessaloniki, Gallery”Artforum”’